10 Tips for Writing Content That Gets Noticed

Write Content That Gets Noticed

Did you ever slave away writing a great piece of content only to see it sink into the vast, internet sea without a trace?

Write Content That Gets Noticed

Personally I hate when this happens. It makes me feel like I failed my readers. How depressing! Especially when I’ve worked hard on a piece to ensure that all of my content is top quality. Well, while it’s true that putting lipstick on a pig is ineffective, you can dress up good content and take it out on the town. Here are some of my tips for writing content that gets noticed.

Read More: 10 Tips for Writing Content That Gets Noticed

Bernie Never Wants Anyone to Leave Empty-Handed

She loves to share her knowledge. This includes how-to’s and tips & tricks to improve local search visibility. Here’s the latest resource that you are sure to appreciate.
Applying E-A-T to a Google Business Profile
You Too Can Rule the Web
Download Bernie’s latest guide that will walk you through the importance of EAT, how to apply EAT to a business’ GBP, tips on building expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness.
Plus, get a peek into Advice Local’s dashboard and their Google Authority Score.
P.S. Yes, you’ll be redirected to Advice Local. All Bernie’s amazing guides are housed there.