The Mobile Guide: 18 Tips to Master Local and Mobile

18 Tips to Master Local and Mobile

Are you ready to follow the mobile path to success?

Mobile devices are everywhere and mobile search is part of being always on. Studies show that the some smartphone users check their device 150 times per hour and that we spend an average of 177 minutes daily on our phones. So, are you always on? Serving your customers or your clients’ customers in their moment of need? According to Google’s Micro-Moments Guide, 82% of smartphone users say they consult their phone while in a store and 91% of them turn to their phones for ideas in the middle of a task.

In this mobile guide download, you’ll learn how to:

  • Be mobile
  • Be actionable
  • Engage consumers in their moments
The guide shares 18 local and mobile tips that will enable you to conquer the web, either for your business or the clients you represent! No fluff, just tips. Complete the form below to join my email list and access the download.

    Mobile is changing the way we live and work. Customers want more than they used to, and they want it in that moment, not the next moment or the next day, but in that moment. Give them that and you’ll win.

    Bernie Never Wants Anyone to Leave Empty-Handed

    She loves to share her knowledge. This includes how-to’s and tips & tricks to improve local search visibility. Here’s the latest resource that you are sure to appreciate.
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    Plus, get a peek into Advice Local’s dashboard and their Google Authority Score.
    P.S. Yes, you’ll be redirected to Advice Local. All Bernie’s amazing guides are housed there.