Yahoo! Local Listings Management Change-Up

Yahoo Business ListingsAs you may or may not have heard, Yahoo! is outsourcing their Yahoo! Local Listings management to Yext. As with many mega corporations, or search engines as in this case, it can be more efficient for both the corporation as well as the end user, to outsource a line of business to another entity that is more specialized in that line. Visit Advice Interactive Group to learn [More].

Bernie Never Wants Anyone to Leave Empty-Handed

She loves to share her knowledge. This includes how-to’s and tips & tricks to improve local search visibility. Here’s the latest resource that you are sure to appreciate.
Applying E-A-T to a Google Business Profile
You Too Can Rule the Web
Download Bernie’s latest guide that will walk you through the importance of EAT, how to apply EAT to a business’ GBP, tips on building expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness.
Plus, get a peek into Advice Local’s dashboard and their Google Authority Score.
P.S. Yes, you’ll be redirected to Advice Local. All Bernie’s amazing guides are housed there.