6 Important Facts about Facebook and Local Presence Management

2017 Facebook Facts and Local Presence ManagementOK, I’ll admit it – I am a 59-year-old Facebook junkie. Facebook’s success in the last decade has been nothing short of extraordinary, and I’ve been on the bandwagon ever since I discovered it. As a matter of fact, it’s hard to imagine a world without Facebook. I use it both personally and for my business, daily.

At first, I wondered if Facebook would go the way of MySpace, but all that negative thinking is far behind me. Today, even Google struggles to compete with them, failing to take any significant market share with the rollout of their Google+ platform in 2011.

Why You Need to Include Facebook in Your Local Presence Management Strategy

With all that being said, it’s important for small businesses, brands, franchisees and marketers to keep up with their social media presence, their location pages, and marketing opportunities on Facebook. With nearly two billion active accounts, they have the largest audience in the world. Not to mention, Facebook’s also testing an enhanced local search feature that could see the social network creeping in on Google Maps, Foursquare and Yelp territory. Visit Social Media Today to [read more].

Bernie Never Wants Anyone to Leave Empty-Handed

She loves to share her knowledge. This includes how-to’s and tips & tricks to improve local search visibility. Here’s the latest resource that you are sure to appreciate.
Applying E-A-T to a Google Business Profile
You Too Can Rule the Web
Download Bernie’s latest guide that will walk you through the importance of EAT, how to apply EAT to a business’ GBP, tips on building expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness.
Plus, get a peek into Advice Local’s dashboard and their Google Authority Score.
P.S. Yes, you’ll be redirected to Advice Local. All Bernie’s amazing guides are housed there.